Connaught Global Challenge Symposium on CO2 Solutions to Climate Change
Tue, 9 May 2017, – Wed, 10 May 2017 University of Toronto - St. George Campus Toronto, Ontario M5S 3H6
Register at:
Poster Abstracts (PDF)
General Information:
The concentration of CO2 in our atmosphere has now risen from 290 ppm, recorded at the beginning of the industrial revolution, to 405 ppm today. We are now confronted with the problem of how best to curb this increase and meet the demanding CO2 reduction targets of the 2015 Paris agreement. To rise to this global challenge, one of the strategies proposed, which forms the centerpiece of this symposium, focuses attention on different ways of utilizing CO2 as a chemical feedstock for making chemicals, materials and fuels. The “CO2 Chemistry Solutions to Climate Change” symposium will bring together the world’s leaders in scientific research and economic solutions to turn this vision of a CO2 economy into a reality. Join us on May 9-10, 2017 at the beautiful downtown University of Toronto campus to be a part of the discussions!
Distinguished Connaught Speaker: Thomas Mallouk (Pennsylvania State University)
Invited Speakers:
Andrew Bocarsly (Princeton University)
Emily Carter (Princeton University)
Roland Dittmeyer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
James Durrant (Imperial College London)
Hermenegildo Garcia (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)
Christos Maravelias (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
Geoffrey Ozin (University of Toronto)
Edward Sargent (University of Toronto)
Aldo Steinfeld (ETH Zurich)
Peter Styring (University of Sheffield)
Aron Walsh (Imperial College London)
Peidong Yang (University of California, Berkeley)
Jinhua Ye (National Institute for Materials Science)
Tierui Zhang (Chinese Academy of Science)
Registration Fee:
$10 for Students
$50 for Non-students
Refreshments will be provided during coffee breaks.
Prizes are awarded to best student posters!
Register early! Seating is limited.
Dinner by Invitation:
The One Eighty (55 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON M4W 1A5)
Hart House (7 Hart House Circle, Toronto, ON M5S 3H3)
To learn more about the Symposium and the organizing committee, please visit:
Contact the Symposium organizers at:
CGCsymposium2017 (at)
Organized by the Solar Fuels Cluster (University of Toronto)
Sponsored by the Connaught Fund, Department of Chemistry, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, and Faculty of Arts & Science at the University of Toronto